Frequently Asked Questions

What are the opening and closing times of The Christmas Fair?

The Event will be on Saturday 5th December and will open at 09:30 and will close at 16:00.

How much are the tickets to The Christmas Fair?

Advance tickets cost £6.

Please ensure you book an arrival time slot and keep to this time. You may not be able to attend the fair if you miss your slot.

I have lost my ticket. What should I do?

Check your emails and in particular your spam folder for your QR code. The front desk will have a complete list of tickets purchased if you really can’t find it. Alternatively call 07767444545 on the day.

When will my tickets arrive?

You should receive all tickets by email straight away.  There will be a QR code. These can either be printed at home, or shown on arrival on your smart phone. 

Can I purchase tickets on the day?

Pre booking for this event is mandatory as capacities are strictly limited due to Covid-19 precautions.

Are there cash machines on site?

There are no cash machines on site.   Due to Covid-19 we actively encourage cashless transactions. Stallholders have been asked to sanitise payment machines between transactions.

Are dogs permitted on site?

Unfortunately dogs are not permitted on the school site, with the exception of Guide or Assistance Dogs. Please let us know in advance by contacting if you wish to bring a guide dog with you.

What extra safety measures will be taken to ensure visitors and staff feel protected?

The safety of our visitors and staff is our priority.  We have implemented a comprehensive plan.

We know things will look and feel a bit different this year, but we want to assure you that we are doing everything we can to keep our visitors, stallholders and staff safe. Please be mindful of your own safety and of those around you – we want everyone to have a lovely day out and to stay safe.

The following are some of the measures we will have in place at the Christmas Fair to keep everyone safe as well as some things to think about before you visit:

  • Face coverings will be required at all times inside the Hall and at stallholders stands in the courtyard, but voluntary elsewhere on the site.  This information will be updated if Government or local authority guidelines change.

  • Pre-booking is mandatory. This ensures we can manage the number of people on site, reducing queuing and contact with staff at the entrance.

  •  Please observe 2m social distancing in any queues and 1m+ around the grounds.

  • There will be hand washing facilities and sanitiser stations around the fair and courtyard. We also advise you to bring your own.

  • Please try not to touch products unless you intend to buy them or have specifically asked the stallholders.

  • Event staff will be frequently cleaning and disinfecting around the fair.

  • Toilet facilities will be constantly monitored and cleaned by an attendant.

  • All staff onsite will be wearing PPE.

  • All stallholders will be cleaning payment systems between each payment.

  • All stallholders will have hand sanitiser on their stands.

  • Event Stewards will be on hand all day to encourage social distancing.

We will be using signage and where appropriate, floor markings to indicate best practice for social distancing. Our staff will be fully trained on social distancing, so they can make sure the latest guidelines are followed by all visitors

Do I need to wear a face covering?

Face coverings will be required at all times inside the Main Hall and close to the stalls in the courtyards, but voluntary elsewhere on the site.  This information will be updated if Government or local authority guidelines change.

Will your staff be wearing PPE?

Where appropriate – particularly where closer contact with members of the public is required – our staff will be issued with PPE, or may be working behind screens, for their protection and to protect our visitors.

How will you be managing toilets?

Toilets will be frequently cleaned and monitored by staff.  We will be maintaining high standards of hygiene.

What will your staff do if visitors are not observing social distancing?

Our expectation is that all visitors will observe social distancing, to protect themselves and others.  Our staff will be able to assist, should you have any concerns and will be roaming around to identify any bottlenecks. Persistent offenders will be asked politely to leave the site.

I would like to give feedback. Where can I do this?

Please leave your feedback at